A skull with a brain enclosed in a snow globe, surrounded by a blurred out galaxy. The skull is comprised of seventy-four objects excluding the brain that have been blended together to make the piece pop of the page.
Two abstract snowboard designs inspired by Aztec patterns and the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. Both designs contain intricate creatures and patterns to add to the overall aesthetic of the design. Both designs are focused around the idea of multiple gods producing life on the earth.
On the left design we see the god of fertility giving birth to a myriad of centipedes in the ground below. At the bottom of the board, the god of the underworld lurks beneath, waiting to extinguish the life that has just been given.
On the right design we see three gods producing life in their own respective areas; the god of the sun, the god of the earth, and the god of the sea. In each of the biomes the creatures harvest resources and jump start their own ecosystems.
This calendar design draws inspiration from different parts of the world, and utilizes them to represent the four different seasons.
Spring is represented by the buildings and landscape of Peru. Summer is represented by buildings in Arizona, and the landscape from Egypt. Autumn is represented by the buildings and landscape seen in my home town of Calgary, Alberta. Winter is represented by the buildings and landscape seen in Banff, Alberta.
The headline of the calendar speaks to my opinion on design. Inspiration is everywhere, you just need to know where to look.
A minimalist Christmas card design with three animals dressed up for winter.
This is a redesign of the classic graphic novel; "Batman, The Killing Joke". For this design I decided to give the Joker a smile filled with gnarled teeth to make him look more unsettling. His face looms over the city of Gotham below to emphasize how much of a threat he is. On the back I have Batman reaching through the text and laughing in the rain. What is he reaching for? Why is he laughing? You'll have to read the book to find out.
This is a selection of three abstract robotic creatures that were featured on my snowboard designs. The creatures were inspired by fish, rams, and centipedes.
This notepad design takes inspiration from the video game; Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, developed by Shadow Planet Productions. At the top of the notepad I have a U.F.O. placing the letters to create the title. Tentacles and warped foreign fauna move to the center of the page. This is where you put your ideas.
This is a poster design for the Wild Rose Brewery's new attraction; The Barracks Room.
The design is composed of a geometric rendition of what I perceived army barracks to look like. Wild Rose Brewery has a lot of fun animals in suits in their branding, so I decided to that into consideration.
On either side of the giant beer glass in the center we see a goat general addressing three low-ranking army goats. At the top of the page the sun shines above the goats and the beer glass to give the poster a happy feeling. The tag line; Brewing Good Times! is what this poster was made to represent.
A selection of eight greyscale fantasy character designs. From left to right we have; the engineer, battle master, miner, brawler, rogue, valkyrie, forgewright and crossbow man. Each design draws inspiration from steampunk ideas, various fantasy movies and books.
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Vivamus sit amet sapien vel neque convallis convallis. Fusce malesuada quis orci eget volutpat. Vestibulum pellentesque egestas orci id maximus. Vivamus felis sem, sagittis ut sollicitudin vitae, porttitor vitae arcu. Maecenas ut nulla vel leo hendrerit congue quis at turpis. Aliquam quis elementum nisi, sed lobortis dui. Maecenas dictum sagittis nibh, id placerat velit maximus ut.
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Donec commodo aliquam quam id dignissim. Sed id ipsum eget quam malesuada gravida. Integer laoreet eget velit in posuere. Ut euismod neque vitae nunc gravida, sit amet pharetra nunc luctus.